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Manfreda virginiana . . Rattlesnake Master
. . 24 in. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zone 5 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . L. Spring to E. Summer
Long, succulent, yucca-like leaves, often spotted with purple, radiating from a central crown, and fragrant, purplish flowers atop a 3 to 5 ft. spike.
Found primarily in upland woods, particularly around granite outcrops. Also known as Agave virginiana.
One of several plants commonly named Rattlesnake Master. They were reputed to either repel rattlers or cure the effects of their bite.
#1371 . . Quart pot

Marshallia obovata v. obovata . . Barbara's Buttons
. . . . Sun
. . Zones 6 to 9 . . Avg. soil . . Summer
#1353 . . Quart pot

Mimulus ringens . . Monkey Flower
. . 24 to 36 in. . . Sun to mod. shade
. . Zones 3 to 7 . . Avg. to wet soil . . Summer
Bushy plants 1 1/2 inch blue, lipped flowers. Summer. Light green foliage. Tolerates wet soil.
#1093 . . Quart pot

Monarda didyma . . Bee Balm "Fuchsia"
. . To 4 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 4 to 9 . . Avg. soil, moist . . Summer
Bright fuschia flowers arranged in circular clusters atop tall stems. Summer. Excellent butterfly and hummingbird plant. Vigorously stoloniferous in favorable conditions.
A tea made from the leaves was a popular remedy for nausea and digestive complaints.
#1096 . . Quart pot

Monarda didyma cv . . Scarlet Beebalm "Jacob Cline"
. . 4 to 5 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 4 to 9 . . Avg. soil . . Summer
Native Selection
Large 3 in. scarlet flowers. One of the most mildew and rust resistant Beebalm selections. Can become aggressive when planted in the shade.
Tip: thin Beebalm colonies and keep well watered to help prevent mildew. Stress = disease.
#1328 . . Gallon container

Opuntia humifusa . . Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus
. . To 12 in. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 4 to 9 . . Avg., well drained soil . . Summer
Large lemon yellow flowers in early summer. Flattened segments are prostrate and spreading. Spines not readily visible. Very hardy.
Quite hardy. This particular one came from a patch high in the mountains. Edible.
#1247 . . Quart pot

Oxypolis rigidior . . Stiff Cowbane
. . 2 to 5 ft. . . Sun to mod. shade
. . Zones 3? to 9 . . Moist to wet soil . . Late Summer
Attractive, narrow, light green foliage. Bright umbels of white flowers in late summer. When planted with Cardinal Flower on a stream or pond bank, the red and white blooms create a striking display.
Also called Hog Fennel.
Roots baked and eaten by Cherokee.
#1115 . . Quart pot

Pachysandra procumbens . . Wild Pachysandra
. . 4 to 9 in. . . Mod. to full shade
. . Zones 6 to 8 . . Rich, moist soil . . Spring
Has dark green foliage and spreads with rhizomes to form a dense cover. Evergreen in warmer areas. A native Pachysandra said to be prettier and healthier than the common Asian type, P. terminalis. Somewhat rare in the wild.
#1442 . . Quart pot

Penstemon digitalis . . Mississippi Penstemon
. . 18 to 36 in. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 4 to 9 . . Avg. soil . . L. Spring to E. Summer
Clusters of 1 inch trumpet shaped, white flowers borne above the foliage. Late spring to early summer. Lustrous foliage. Tolerates poor drainage better than many other Penstemons. Native range is East and Central U. S.
There are about 250 species of Penstemon--all native to N. America, except one in Asia.
#1492 . . Quart pot

Phemeranthus teretifolius . . Quill Fameflower
. . 4 to 8 in. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones est. 5 to 8 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Summer
Half inch flowers are a brilliant, deep, hot pink. All Summer. Pale green, linear, succulent leaves on reddish stems. Hardy relative of Portulaca.
This hardy relative of the Portulaca is native to mountain rock outcroppings and other well drained sites. Prefers thin sandy soil. A superb hard-to-find rock garden specimen.
#1213 . . Quart pot

Polemonium reptans . . Native Jacob's Ladder
. . 12 to 24 in. . . Lt. to full shade
. . Zones 4 to 8 . . Rich, moist soil . . Spring
Pale, lavender-blue, bell-shaped flowers in terminal sprays in spring. Sprawling stems keep the overall height low. Lovely in the front of the shaded border or woodland garden. Self sows.
Native to the Eastern U. S.
#1415 . . Quart pot

Polygonatum biflorum . . Solomon's Seal
. . 12 to 24 in. . . Mod. to dense shade
. . Zones 4 to 8 . . Avg. soil . . Spring
Pairs of pendulous white flowers on long, arching stems in spring. Blue-black berries follow in early fall. Smooth, light green leaves line the sides of the stems.
A long-lived woodlander that adds a textural accent to the shady garden.
The young shoots and roots are edible. Caution--False Solomon's Seal, Smilacina racemosa, is toxic.
It has many medicinal uses, both historical and contemporary.
. . . . Also, has been used as a Voodoo conjure in some cultures.
#1104 . . Quart pot

Pycnanthemum pilosum . . Hairy Leaf Mountain Mint
. . 24 to 36 in. . . Sun to mod. shade
. . Zones 4 to 9 . . Avg. soil . . Summer
Pinkish flower heads. Strong mint flavor and aroma. The leaves are densely hairy beneath.
It can be used in recipes where the more common mint is called for.
A tea made from the leaves is used for stomach and bowel complaints. Rubbing yourself with the leaves is supposed to repel mosquitoes and other pests.
#1262 . . Quart pot

Pycnanthemum tenuifolium . . Narrow Leaf Mountain Mint
. . To 36 in. . . Lt. shade
. . To Zone 4? . . Avg. soil . . Summer
Very narrow, almost linear leaves. Bushy. Scent differs from the other Mountain Mints. (Hard to describe how it differs--probably less like peppermint than the others.) Some recent references list this species as P. flexuosum.
#1407 . . Quart pot

Pycnanthemum virginianum . . Virginia Mountain Mint
. . 18 to 36 in. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . To Zone 5 . . Avg. soil . . Summer
Aromatic, lanceolate to linear-elliptic leaves. White flowers in summer.
Prefers a well drained site and tolerates dry areas.
Strong peppermint aroma. Young leaves make a nice addition to salads or can be used as a condiment. The fresh or dried leaves are brewed into a refreshing mint-like tea.
The Chippewa Indians used a tea made from the leaves as a treatment for fevers. Numerous other medicinal uses.
#1508 . . Quart pot

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