The Elk Mountain Nursery
Plants for Rock Gardens
Elk Mountain Home
-- Catalog -- Ordering Information
|| A
|| B to D
|| E to H
|| I to L
|| M to P
|| Q to Z
Ground Covers
|| Herbs
|| Vines
|| Shrubs A to H
|| Shrubs I to Z
|| Trees
|| Japanese Maples
Lists of Suggested uses:
Rock Gardens
|| Perennials for Shade
|| Shrubs for Shade
Butterfly and Hummingbird Plants
|| Perennials for Damp or Moist areas
|| Perennials for Wet or Bog areas
We have been rather liberal with our requirements for the following list. Any perennial that had a mature height of about a foot (many bloom stems are taller) and didn't have an invasive nature, had a good chance at the list. Some of the plants are spreading, ground cover types but they are ones that are easy to control - and look good cascading over rocks.
- Antennaria plantaginifolia
- Pussy Toes
- Aquilegia alpina
- Alpine Columbine
- Aquilegia canadensis
- Wild Columbine
- Asclepias tuberosa
- Butterfly Weed
- Chrysogonium virginianum
- Green And Gold
- Convallaria majalis
- Lily Of The Valley
- Coreopsis auriculata
- Eared Coreopsis
- Cymbalaria muralis
- Kenilworth Ivy
- Delosperma nubigena
- Yellow Ice Plant
- Equisetum scorpoides
- Dwarf Horsetail Grass
- Erigeron pulchellus
- Robin's Plantain
- Geranium endressii
- Endress Geranium
- Herniaria glabra
- Rupturewort
- Heuchera americana
- Alumroot
- Heuchera villosa
- Hairy Alumroot
- Houstonia purpurea
- Purple Houstonia
- Hypoxis hirsuta
- Yellow Star Grass
- Iris cristata
- Crested Dwarf Iris
- Iris verna v. smalliana
- Dwarf Iris
- Mentha sp.
- Creeping mint
- Oenothera fruticosa
- Sundrops
- Opuntia compressa
- Prickly Pear Cactus
- Origanum vulgare cv.
- Creeping Golden Marjoram
- Oxalis violacea
- Violet Wood Sorrel
- Penstemon smallii
- Small's Penstemon
- Phlox divaricata
- Woodland Phlox
- Phlox stolonifera cv.
- Creeping Phlox
- Phlox subulata cv.
- Thrift
- Polemonium reptans
- Native Jacob's Ladder
- Sagina subulata
- Scotch Moss
- Salvia lyrata
- Lyre Leaf Sage
- Scutellaria elliptica
- Skullcap
- Sedum ternatum
- Wild Stonecrop
- Sempervivum arachnoideum
- Hens and Chicks
- Sisyrinchium angustifolium
- Blue-eyed Grass
- Smilacina racemosa
- False Solomon's Seal
- Stachys byzantina
- Lamb's Ears
- Talinum teretifolium
- Fameflower
- Thymus sp.
- Thyme
- Tiarella cordifolia
- Foam Flower
- Uvularia perfoliata
- Bellwort
- Veronica
- Speedwell
- Viola
- Violet
Lists of Suggested uses:
Rock Gardens
|| Perennials for Shade
|| Shrubs for Shade
Butterfly and Hummingbird Plants
|| Perennials for Damp or Moist areas
|| Perennials for Wet or Bog areas
|| A
|| B to D
|| E to H
|| I to L
|| M to P
|| Q to Z
Ground Covers
|| Herbs
|| Vines
|| Shrubs A to H
|| Shrubs I to Z
|| Trees
|| Japanese Maples
Elk Mountain Home
-- Catalog -- Ordering Information
Last modified: 2/15/99
Copyright 1996, Elk Mountain Nursery
[email protected]