Baptisia australis . . False Indigo
. . 3 to 5 ft. . . Sun
. . Zones 3 to 9 . . Moist, well drained soil . . Summer
Blue-green foliage with spikes of soft, blue-tinted indigo flowers. Blooms June to August. Forms a bushy clump when mature.
#1230 . . Quart pot . . $5.00
Belamcanda chinensis . . Blackberry Lily
. . 30 to 36 in. . . Sun
. . Zones 5 to 10 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Summer
Erect, somewhat stiff, sword-shaped, iris-like foliage and showy, freckled orange blooms, to 2 inches across.
After blooming, the plants will develop fruit capsules which split to expose shiny black seeds; these are attractive in dried arrangements.
Called She Gan, it is used in traditional Chinese medicine, and primarily anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, it is valued in southern China as a treatment for a fungal infection common among paddyfield workers.
#1479 . . Quart pot . . $5.00
Carex plantaginea . . Plantain Leaved Sedge
. . To 12 in. . . Lt. to full shade
. . Zone 5 . . Avg. soil . . Early Spring
Broad, crinkled, ribbon-like blades grow in clumps. As sturdy as it is beautiful, this clumping grass is an excellent groundcover for shady areas, or on shaded slopes, where its tenacious roots hold back sliding dirt, as well as any daylily. In spring, it sends up modest but interesting flower stalks, which soon go to seed. Prefers moist soils.
#1513 . . Quart pot . . $5.00
Chelone lyonii . . Pink Turtlehead
. . 3 to 4 ft. . . Sun to mod. shade
. . Zones 4 to 10 . . Avg. soil, moist . . L. Summer to E. Fall
Clusters of showy pink flowers in August and September. Medium green foliage. Usually found in a slightly drier habitat than C. glabra. Adds color late in the season.
#1051 . . Quart pot . . $5.00
Coreopsis auriculata . . Eared Coreopsis
. . 6 to 12 in. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 4 to 10 . . Avg. soil . . L. Spring to E. Summer
A low growing, well behaved native. Bright yellow flowers peak in May, then taper off into early summer. Semi-evergreen. Easy.
This small Coreopsis is an excellent garden plant. It spreads slowly, making colonies that persist much of the winter. The bloom period is quite long and the plants require little care.
#1057 . . Quart pot . . $4.75
Coreopsis cv. . . Coreopsis "Early Sunrise"
. . 18 to 24 in. . . Sun
. . Zones 4 to 9 . . Avg. soil . . L. Spring to E. Summer
Bright yellow, semi-double flowered Coreopsis. Early blooming with long stemmed flowers.
#1265 . . Quart pot . . $4.75
Coreopsis major . . Greater Coreopsis
. . 24 to 36 in. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 5 to 9 . . Avg. to poor soil . . Summer
Tall erect stems. Bright yellow flowers in summer. Long bloom period. Drought tolerant.
The paired, opposite leaves of C. major are so deeply divided, they appear to be in whorls of six. It is stoloniferous, but not invasive. The solitary stems grow straight and tall.
#1059 . . Quart pot . . $5.00
Coreopsis verticillata . . Coreopsis "Zagreb"
. . 12 in. . . Sun
. . Zone 5 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . L. Summer to E. Fall
Native Selection
A densely bushy plant with erect, branching stems, and linear, dissected leaves, this selection is similar to "Moonbeam", but has deeper, golden yellow daisylike flowers.
Drought resistant, it has a long, profuse flowering season from late summer into early fall.
#1951 . . Quart pot . . $4.75
Last Modified: 5/3/2004
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