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If you ask questions, you will receive answers.
If you ask for the Truth, you will receive silence.
If you ask for nothing, you will receive love.
The mind creates rules.
The Heart creates love.

One is Three.
Three is One.
The Fourth is All,
and none

Each mantra is an aspect of the All:
being, consciousness, and bliss.
In Sanskrit, these are Sat-Cit-Ananda.
Each also represents one of the four movements that
encompass the Universe. These movements are the
four Sanskrit vowels. Each also has a seed syllable, or bija mantra.
These are the four great seed syllables, or sounds, that
create Creation.


Praise is consciousness.
It is the manifested creation voicing, singing joy
upward, to the source.
It is air; light; male; white; tejas; pitta.
It is Vishnu; it is the Holy Spirit.
It is inhalation.
It is the upward movement of Creation.
It governs the 6th and 7th chakras.
It is the letter i.
It is HRIH.
MANTRA: HRIM (Pronounced Hah-reem) Praise * that I am.


Thanks, or gratitude, is being.
It is the manifestation of Creation on Earth.
It is water; female; black; ojas; kapha.
It is Shiva; it is Christ, the manifestation of God on Earth.
It is exhalation.
It is the downward movement of Creation.
It governs the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd chakras.
It is the letter u.
It is HUM.
MANTRA: HUM (Hum) Thank * for all that is.


Love is bliss.
It is the force, the movement, that creates Creation.
It is the space between breaths.
It is fire; genderless; red, prana; vata.
It is Brahma; it is the Father.
Its movement is horizontal.
It governs the 4th and 5th chakras.
It is the letter a.
It is AH, which is the expression of wonder,
and the sound of love.
MANTRA: AH (ah) * loves that I am.


OM is the circular movement which is all, and none.
It is the letter o.
MANTRA: OM I am that I am.

Each mantra addresses, releases, and heals
a primary root stress of a particular chakra.

Praise addresses the root stress of the first chakra, which
is survival, the right to be here, to exist.

Thanks addresses the root stress of the second chakra,
which is the right to feel, and to take pleasure in one's existence.

Love addresses the root stress of the third chakra, which
is self-esteem; will; ego-identity. If one has poor self-esteem,
it can be helpful to use one's own name as the * word.

How to use the sutras.

First, just close your eyes for a few moments and watch
your mind move. Then, open your eyes. You will probably
have noticed that thoughts constantly move through your
mind, and that they flow through quite naturally, without any
effort on your part. The mantra should flow through
your mind this easily and naturally, like any other thought.
Just think the mantra, then let whatever happens happen.
To practice the mantras, either sit or lie down, so that you
are relaxed and comfortable. Close your eyes. And allow a
thought to arise. Allow yourself to experience the thought. Then, let
it go. When it has passed, think the mantra, and wait.
Another thought will arise. Experience it, without judgment, then let
it go, as before. Again, think the mantra.

It's that simple. Just alternate thought and the mantra. Do
this for five minutes, using the Praise mantra. You will find
that the experience is quite easy, and natural, and peaceful.

This is because you are not fighting the mind. It is natural
for the mind to think. Instead of fighting the mind, you are
simply giving it another, more pleasing thought to think. It is
by alternating thought with the mantra that the mind is able
to experience deeper levels of thinking.

You will get as much out of meditation as you put into it.

As with any form of exercise, to truly experience the
benefits, it must be done on a regular basis. If you jog
every day, you begin to experience a steady and ever-increasing
flow of health and vitality. If you jog, then you don't for
days, then you do, then you don't, nothing changes. No real
progress is made.

If you are half-hearted in your practice of the mantras,
you will have half-hearted results.If you put your whole heart
into this practice, you will receive your Heart, whole and healed,
in return. Whatever you give, both to yourself and to
others, you will receive in return.

It is not selfish to give to yourself. Or to love yourself.
Because you can only love others as much as you love
yourself. If you have no love within you, how can you give it to others?
You cannot give what you do not have.
The more you are able to love yourself,
the more you are able to love others.

The only person you can save with love is yourself.
The more love you give, the more love you have.

When you meditate, always practice each mantra in order.

This is important, because each mantra addresses a
different stress. After you have completed them all, youcan go back
and concentrate on a specific mantra, if you wish.

I suggest a minimum practice of one half hour, daily. An
hour is preferable. According to Tao, if this practice is
done hour a day, for a year, one can attain Enlightenment.

Choosing a * word.

In choosing a word, always choose a word which has
only positive connotations, one which represents an energy or
force that will only bring the highest good to all, at all times.
This word can change. Every time you meditate, if you wish.
The word you choose will affect your experience
during meditation. The sutras are simple, and, yet, not simple.
Like all great Truths, they are a paradox.

At a particular period of my practice, I was using Gautama
as my * word, because I wished to align with, and
experience that particular energy, and aspect of the Heart.
Gautama, which is a name given to the Buddha, means "The
Enlightened One" or, simply, Light.

This was my experience:

I am floating in the sea of light. From my heart I send
love, until, swelling into a wave, the energy of light shoots up
my body, up my spine, into the Heart, then whirls outward, in
a visceral current. Another wave arises, from the Heart's
core, and wells into a racking waterfall of tears.

Continuing to float in light, I wonder:
Why does this make me cry?

Then, into my consciousness, a voice arises, to whisper:
"Stand in your own light, Gautama."

I have since learned that the last words of Buddha, to
his disciples, were: "Be a lamp unto yourself."

Ifyou wish to experience the feminine aspects of the
Heart, you might choose Mother Mary, the Goddess, The
Earth, Isani, Kwan Yin, or Tara as a * word.

If you lack self-esteem, using your own name as the *
word, especially with the Love mantra can be extremely healing,
and foster the process of learning to forgive, accept, and love
yourself. In every moment.

Which is the way that God loves you.

As perfect.

God does not judge you.

You judge you.

Everything I have just shared with you comes from my own heart, and my own experience.

It is not something I read in a book, or heard from
somebody else. It is Truth, as I have experienced it, in my hfe, and
in meditation.
It is my Truth. Only. Which is the only Truth I can teach.
That does not mean it is your Truth. Through meditation,
and practice of the sutras, you will experience, and learn,
your own Truth. It may be quite different from mine. That
doesn't matter. The only Truth you can truly live is your
own. No one else's.
You cannot listen to any Heart other than your own. But
if you listen to that Heart clearly, and act with that clarity,
you will be acting in love. And the more you hear, and feel
your own Heart, the more you are able to hear, and feel the Heart
of others. And the more you come to realize that your Heart,
and theirs, are the same.

That is Truth, and, yes, it's mine. There is only one Heart.
And no thought, or action that comes from the Heart,
that truly comes from love, can ever be wrong.

Never let anyone else tell you who you are, or what your
Truth is.

And that is the one Truth which runs through all true
teachings: Be still, and listen to your Heart. Be in the Heart in
every moment. Let all your thoughts, words, and deeds come
from the Heart.

All true teaching comes from the Heart.
And it returns to the Heart.

This is what Christ taught. It is what Buddha taught. It
is what all true teachers have taught.

Different words. Same message.

The greatest New Age fallacy:
If you are in a state of complete love,
nobody will hate you.

Talk to Jesus Christ about it.
Hate put Love on the cross.
And loved hating Love.
Anyone who hates himself, will hate love.

Lotus Heart Home || Sutras part 1 || Sutras part 2 || Sutras part 3

P.O. Box 599
Asheville, NC 28801

Copyright 1997, Christina Howe
All rights reserved under International and
Pan-American copyright conventions
Last modified: 2/19/99
[email protected]
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