When our hearts feel empty or heavy, the world seems empty too, a virtual wasteland.
When our hearts are full of love and joy then this world becomes a garden paradise, heaven on earth.
When we connect deeply with our heart, when we act from our heart, we find the oasis in the desert, the eternal fountain which is the source of all life and love. This is the Heart of God, the Heart of the All. As we experience this infinite source of Love, we begin to feel connected to the world, and to all that is, rather than alone, separate, isolated, unloved.
How do we find this garden within us? What is the Way, the path?
As we travel through life, we sometimes feel tested by the rigors of existence, beset, wounded. In order to heal our wounds, we must release the pain and the traumas which caused them. This is like rainfall upon a desert. Seeds which may have lain dormant, germinate and blossom.
As we release our pain, love flowers and fills the emptiness.
The best way I have found to do this is through a very simple technique. If practiced daily, for half an hour, within a week or two you should begin to notice dramatic changes. I taught this technique to a man who had suffered chronic pain for two years, due to an automobile accident. Even medication could not fully ease the pain. After doing this for two weeks, he threw away his pills.
I teach this technique not only because it is effective, but also because it works swiftly and is incredibly simple to learn and to practice.
The technique is explained in the following pages. If you would like a copy of the 20 page booklet, which explains this simple practice, along with the first four techniques, please send $5 to offset printing and mailing costs, with your name and address to: Garden of the Heart, P.O. Box 599, Asheville, NC 28802.
If you find that the techniques are helpful, there are other, advanced levels available. And if you would like to receive my e-mail newsletter, please let me know.
Last modified: 2/18/99 Copyright 1999 Webmaster