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Ilex verticillata . . Winterberry "Maryland Beauty"
. . 5 to 6 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 3 to 9 . . Avg. soil, moist . . Spring
Native Selection
Multistemmed, rounded shrub. Bright red berries persist through the winter. Deciduous. Needs male plant (pollinator) in the area to produce berries. Pollinate with Southen Gentleman.
Effective on stream banks or against water in winter. Red berries most showy in snow.
#2188 . . Gallon container

Ilex verticillata . . Winterberry "Winter Red"
. . To 9 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zone 4 to 9 . . Avg. soil, moist Native Selection
Multistemmed, rounded shrub. Profuse bright red berries through the winter. Deciduous.
Effective on stream banks or against water in winter. Red berries most showy in snow.
#1619 . . Gallon container

Ilex verticillata sel. . . Winterberry "Southern Gentleman"
. . 10 to 12 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zone . . Avg. soil, moist Hybrid
Pollinator for otherIlex verticillata cultivars. Upright growth habit. Decidious.
#2119 . . Gallon container

Itea virginica . . Virginia Sweetspire
. . 3 to 5 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 5 to 9 . . Avg. soil, moist . . Spring
Three inch racemes of fragrant, white flowers in spring. Long bloom period. Deep red fall leaves persist well into the winter. Best with some direct sun.
Highly recommended as an excellent choice for any landscape--flowers, fragrance, fall color and, best of all, easy to grow.
#1274 . . Gallon container

Itea virginica cv. . . Virginia Sweetspire "Henry's Garnet"
. . 3 to 5 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 6 to 9 . . Avg. soil, moist . . Spring
Longer flower spikes (to 6 inch) and better fall color than the species. Selected by Mary Henry in Georgia. Styer award winner.
#1379 . . Gallon container

Kerria japonica cv. . . Japanese Kerria "Shannon"
. . 3 to 6 ft. . . Sun to full shade
. . Zones 4 to 9 . . Avg. soil . . Spring
A low growing twiggy shrub that forms a multistemmed clump. 1 to 2 inch bright yellow flowers in spring. Long bloom period in early spring. Often found around old houses.
#1398 . . 2 Gal

Leucothoe fontanesiana . . Doghobble
. . 3 to 6 ft. . . Sun to full shade
. . Zones 4 to 8 . . Moist, well drained soil . . Late Spring
Glossy, deep green foliage. New leaves are bronze to bright green. Racemes of fragrant, white, urn-shaped flowers in late spring. Can have full sun in northern areas but needs full shade in the deep south.
Consider Agarista populifolia in the hotter areas of the South.
#1386 . . Gallon container

Lonicera fragrantissima . . Winter Honeysuckle
. . 6 to 10 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 5 to 8 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Winter
Earliest flowering of the fragrant woody shrubs. White, extremely fragrant, sweet lemon scented blooms. Late March in the North--late January in the South. Not overly showy, value being in the early season fragrance.
Cut branches can be forced to open indoors in winter.
#1531 . . Gallon container

Mahonia bealeii . . Leatherleaf Mahonia
. . Up to 10 feet . . Sun to mod. shade
. . Zones 6 to 9 . . Avg. soil . . Early Spring
Easily maintained shrub which is flexible, well-adapted to deep shade, but flowering and fruiting most abundantly in a sunny border. Attractive fragrant, yellow flowers followed by blue berries. This particular species, native to the West coast, has a finer texture than the others.
Suited for a spot where it has room to grow, as it may attain 10 feet. Native to China, it has coarse, blue-green leaves with stout spines. Flowers are pleasingly fragrant. Hardy to -10 F.
#2005 . . Gallon container

Philadelphus coronarius . . Sweet Mock Orange
. . 10 to 12 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 3 to 7 . . Avg. soil . . L. Spring to E. Summer
Clusters of one inch, fragrant white flowers in late spring. Very showy and fragrant in bloom. Multi-stemmed, bushy growth habit. Exfoliating bark.
#1762 . . Gallon container

Physocarpus opulifolius . . Ninebark
. . . . Zone 7 . . #1759 . . Gallon container

Prunus virginiana . . Common Chokecherry
. . To 30 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 2 to 6 . . Avg. soil . . Spring
A large shrub or small tree. White flowers in late April-May are followed by red fruit. Wide oval growth habit. Wildlife plant. Fruit can be used for jams, pies or wine.
#2174 . . Gallon container

Rhododendron arborescens . . Sweet Azalea
. . 8 to 10 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 5 to 8 . . Avg. soil, moist . . L. Spring to E. Summer
Sweetly fragrant white flowers from mid-spring into early summer. Open habit. Grows fast for an azalea.
Can get quite tall if not pruned. Best planted where the sweet clove-like scent can be enjoyed.
#1174 . . Gallon container

Rhododendron bakerii sel. . . Cumberland Azalea "Sunlight"
. . . . Zone . . #2131 . . Gallon container

Rhododendron calendulaceum . . Flame Azalea
. . To 10 ft. . . Sun to lt.shade
. . Zones 5 to 7 . . Moist, well drained soil . . Spring
The most brilliant colored of the native azaleas. The flower color ranges from yellow to red-orange. Requires some direct sun to bloom well. Spring.
When grown in full sun and fertile soil with even moisture the floral display is breathtaking. The plants offered are seed grown and pruned annually to produce a many-branched, compact specimen.
. . . . William Bartram, in his 1791 book Travels, described Flame or Fiery Azalea as follows: "The epithet fiery I annex to this most celebrated species of azalea, as being expressive of the appearance of its flowers which are in general of the colour of the finest red lead, orange, and bright gold, as well as yellow and cream colour; these various splendid colours are not only in separate plants, but frequently all the varieties and shades are seen in separate branches on the same plants; and the clusters of the blossoms cover the shrub in such incredible profusion on the hillsides, that suddenly opening to view from dark shades, we were alarmed with apprehension of the hill being set on fire� This is certainly the most gay and brilliant flowering shrub yet known."
#1175 . . Gallon container

Rhododendron canescens sel. . . Piedmont Azalea "Biltmore"
. . 10 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zone 5 to 9 . . Moist, well drained soil . . Spring
Native Selection
A pure white flowered selection of the Piedmont Azalea blooming in spring. Selected at the Biltmore House and Gardens in Asheville for compact form, fragrance and attractive foliage.
#1998 . . Gallon container

Rhododendron carolinianum . . Carolina Rhododendron
. . 3 to 6 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 5 to 7 . . Moist, well drained soil . . Early Spring
Pink to lilac-rose floral trusses appear before the Dogwoods bloom. Deep green foliage with a medium texture. Evergreen.
Excellent native rhododendron for foundation planting, massing or in a shrub border.
#1198 . . Gallon container

Rhododendron catawbiense . . Catawba Rhododendron
. . 6 to 10 ft. . . Sun to mod. shade
. . Zones 4 to 8 . . Moist, well drained soil . . Spring
Evergreen, with 3 to 6 inch, dark green leaves. Lilac-purple flower trusses contrast well with the dark green foliage. Shade tolerant, but will bloom better with some direct sun.
Parent plant of many hybrids. These are native species plants, grown from seed collected in the mountains of Western North Carolina.
#2182 . . Gallon container

Rhododendron cumberlandense x . . Azalea "Gregory Bald"
. . 4 to 8 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 5 to 7 . . Moist, well drained soil . . Late Spring
Variable flower color ranges from red, orange to white, but is usually red. Some are fragrant. The bloom time is about a month later than the Flame Azalea.
The plants are grown from seed collected on Gregory Bald, the site of a well known stand of hybrid native azalea. Genetically, they are predominantly Cumberland Azalea (R. cumberlandense). They are very similar to Flame Azalea (R. calendulaceum), differing in flower color--red to orange instead of orange to yellow, bloom time and a preference for cooler climates.
#1387 . .

Rhododendron periclymenoides . . Pinxterbloom Azalea
. . 4 to 6 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 4 to 6 . . Moist, well drained soil . . Spring
Clusters of 6 to 12 pink flowers in early spring. Lightly fragrant. Bright green summer foliage. Very showy in bloom and adapted to dry, sandy or rocky soil.
Pinxterbloom is an old Dutch name, meaning "blooms at Pentecost". The seemingly awkward specfic name periclymenoides is Greek for "like honeysuckle." Formerly known as R. nudiflorum.
#1389 . . Gallon container

Rhododendron vaseyi . . Pinkshell Azalea
. . 5 to 10 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 5 to 8 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Early Spring
Pink to white flowers appear in early spring before the leaves giving an unobstructed view of the bloom. Burgundy fall color.
Native only to the North Carolina mountains, but adapts well in a wide geographic range.
#1197 . . Gallon container

Rhododendron vaseyi v. alba . . White Pinkshell Azalea
. . 5 to 10 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 5 to 8 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Early Spring
Native Selection
A white, sometimes blushed with pink, flowered variety of the usually pink flowered R. vaseyi. A naturally occurring, although uncommon, form.
#1527 . . Gallon container

Rhododendron viscosum sel. . . Swamp Azalea "White Foam"
. . To 8 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 6 to 9 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Spring
Native Selection
A selection that features denser flowering than the species. White blooms.
#2116 . . Gallon container

Rhododendron viscosum v. serrulatum . . Hammock Sweet Azalea
. . To 15 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 6 to 9 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Spring
A deciduous azalea with white blooms in late spring. The flowers have a very noticeable, wonderfully sweet, clove-like fragrance. Native range is more southern than the Swamp Azalea. Formerly named R. serrulatum
#1528 . . Gallon container

Rhododendron x . . Galle Azalea "Choice Cream"
. . To 5 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zone 6 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Spring
Blooms are pale yellow with a pink tube and yellow blotch. Delicious scent of sweet vanilla. Vigorous.
A cross of R. austrinum and R. atlanticum by the late Fred Galle of Callaway Gardens.
#2020 . . Gallon container

Rhododendron x . . Azalea "Snowbird"
. . To 10 ft? . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 5 to 9 . . Avg. soil, moist . . Spring
Thought to be natural hybrid of R. canescens x R. atlanticum from Biltmore House and Gardens in Asheville. Pure white with beautiful fragrance
#2132 . . Gallon container

Rosa carolina . . Carolina Rose
. . 3 to 6 ft. . . Sun
. . Zone 4 to 9 . . Avg. soil . . Summer
An American native, species rose which inhabits moist to dry sites over much of the Eastern States. Large, single, pink flowers followed by red/orange hips.
Useful primarily for the large hips, which are edible and rich in Vitamin C.
#2170 . . Gallon container

Rosa rugosa . . Beach Rose
. . . . Sun
. . Zones 4 to 9 . . Avg. soil . . Summer
#1354 . . Gallon container

Rosa virginiana . . Virginia Rose
. . 4 ft. . . Sun
. . To Zone 3 . . Avg. soil . . Summer
An American native, species rose which inhabits moist to dry sites over much of the Eastern States. Large, single, pink flowers followed by red/orange hips.
Useful primarily for the large hips, which are edible and rich in Vitamin C.
#2169 . . Gallon container

Salix integra . . White Tip Willow "Hakuro nishiki"
. . 6 to 10 ft. . . Sun
. . Zones 3 to 10 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Summer
A Japanese dwarf gaining notice for its fascinating tapestry of variegated leaves, ranging from rose-pink to white to an ever-present green. Robust and long-lived. Prized in Japan, but seldom seen here.
#1996 . . Gallon container

Salix melanostachys . . Black Pussy Willow
. . 6 to 10 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 5 to 7 . . Avg. soil . . Early Spring
Stems of this attractive shrub are purple-black in winter. The spring catkins are also purple-black. Vigorous.
#1360 . . Gallon container

Sambucus canadensis . . Elderberry
. . 5 to 9 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 4 to 9 . . Avg. to moist soil . . L. Spring to E. Summer
Large heads of white flowers in early summer. Followed by big bunches of purple-black berries. Good butterfly and bird plant.
Elderberry has a very wide range and is quite common in some areas. A worthwhile shrub for naturalizing and attracting wildlife. It can be cut to the ground occasionally to control size.
The berries are used for jelly and pies.
#1244 . . Gallon container

Sambucus canadensis sel. . . Elderberry "Johns"
. . 8 to 10 ft. . . Sun
. . Zones 3 to 9 . . Avg. soil, moist . . Spring
Native Selection
Heavy fruiting selection. Should have 2 selections for cross-pollination and best fruiting.
#1902 . . Gallon container

Vaccinium corymbosum . . Northern Highbush Blueberry "Jersey"
. . 4 to 6ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 3 to 7 . . Avg. soil, well drained Cultivated
Late. Medium to large berry, firm with good taste. Long, loose clusters. Hardy, productive, vigorous upright ornamental.
V. corymbosum is a deciduous shrub that is dense with an upright, multiple-branched growth habit. Leaves are elliptical, and can be toothed or entire, to 3 inches long, turning red or yellow in the fall. White, sometimes pink tinged flowers are held in pendant terminal racemes. Flowers are followed by sweet, round, berries up to 1/2 inch across. The most common type of blueberry in commercial production. Does not do as well in hot areas and requires more winter chilling than Rabbiteye types.
#1734 . . Gallon container

Vaccinium ashei . . Rabbiteye Blueberry "Brightwell"
. . 10 to 15ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 6 to 9 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Spring
Early to mid-season ripening. Medium-large berry has sweet flavor and light blue color. Growth is upright and vigorous. A consistent producer.
Rabbiteyes are a Southeastern U.S. species, well adapted to hot, humid summers with mild winters. They tolerate conditions that other blueberries will not and do not require as much winter chilling as the Northen Highbush types. They generally grow 6 to 8 feet tall, and the blueberries ripen in late spring to summer. Suitable for hedging or shrub borders, with attractive tiny pink or white flowers, and often nice fall colors.
#1628 . . Gallon container

Vaccinium ashei . . Rabbiteye Blueberry "Climax"
. . 10 to 15ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 6 to 9 . . Avg. soil, well drained Cultivated
Early ripening. Produces medium size berries with sweet flavor. Plants are upright with intense green foliage. One of the very best for harvesting.
Rabbiteyes are a Southeastern U.S. species, well adapted to hot, humid summers with mild winters. They tolerate conditions that other blueberries will not and do not require as much winter chilling as the Northen Highbush types. They generally grow 6 to 8 feet tall, and the blueberries ripen in late spring to summer. Suitable for hedging or shrub borders, with attractive tiny pink or white flowers, and often nice fall colors.
#1647 . . Gallon container

Vaccinium ashei . . Rabbiteye Blueberry "Powder Blue"
. . 10 to 15ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 6 to 9 . . Avg. soil, well drained Cultivated
Late season ripening. Highly productive with medium to large sweet fruit, darker in color. Upright growth with good foliage.
Rabbiteyes are a Southeastern U.S. species, well adapted to hot, humid summers with mild winters. They tolerate conditions that other blueberries will not and do not require as much winter chilling as the Northen Highbush types. They generally grow 6 to 8 feet tall, and the blueberries ripen in late spring to summer. Suitable for hedging or shrub borders, with attractive tiny pink or white flowers, and often nice fall colors.
#1648 . . Gallon container

Vaccinium corymbosum . . Northern Highbush Blueberry "Blue Crop"
. . 4 to 6ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 3 to 7 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Spring
Early mid-season. Large, firm berry, good flavor. Loose fruit cluster. Upright, vigorous, productive bush that is hardy and drought resistant.
V. corymbosum is a deciduous shrub that is dense with an upright, multiple-branched growth habit. Leaves are elliptical, and can be toothed or entire, to 3 inches long, turning red or yellow in the fall. White, sometimes pink tinged flowers are held in pendant terminal racemes. Flowers are followed by sweet, round, berries up to 1/2 inch across. The most common type of blueberry in commercial production. Does not do as well in hot areas and requires more winter chilling than Rabbiteye types.
#1649 . . Gallon container

Vaccinium corymbosum . . Northern Highbush Blueberry "Blue Ray"
. . 4 to 6ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 3 to 7 . . Avg. soil, well drained Cultivated
Early mid-season. Large, firm, sweet berry. Large tight clusters. Upright, spreading, vigorous and productive ornamental.
V. corymbosum is a deciduous shrub that is dense with an upright, multiple-branched growth habit. Leaves are elliptical, and can be toothed or entire, to 3 inches long, turning red or yellow in the fall. White, sometimes pink tinged flowers are held in pendant terminal racemes. Flowers are followed by sweet, round, berries up to 1/2 inch across. The most common type of blueberry in commercial production. Does not do as well in hot areas and requires more winter chilling than Rabbiteye types.
#1650 . . Gallon container

Vaccinium corymbosum . . Northern Highbush Blueberry "Duke"
. . 4 to 6ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 3 to 7 . . Avg. soil, well drained Cultivated
Early ripening. Medium to large berries with good color and firmness. Upright and vigorous with consistent high yields. Good ornamental.
V. corymbosum is a deciduous shrub that is dense with an upright, multiple-branched growth habit. Leaves are elliptical, and can be toothed or entire, to 3 inches long, turning red or yellow in the fall. White, sometimes pink tinged flowers are held in pendant terminal racemes. Flowers are followed by sweet, round, berries up to 1/2 inch across. The most common type of blueberry in commercial production. Does not do as well in hot areas and requires more winter chilling than Rabbiteye types.
#1715 . . Gallon container

Viburnum dentatum . . Arrowwood Viburnum
. . 6 to 8 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 3 to 8 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . L. Spring to E. Summer
Multi-stemmed, dense, rounded shrub. Dark green, coarsely toothed leaves vary from yellow to red in fall. Spring flowers in 2 to 4 inch, flat topped cymes. Bluish black berries are relished by birds.
The popular and attractive viburnums are used in foundation plantings, mass plantings and as specimen plants. Several are useful as a wildlife food source.
#2124 . . Gallon container

Viburnum prunifolium . . Blackhaw Viburnum
. . 12 to 15ft. . . Sun to mod. shade
. . Zones 3 to 9 . . Avg. soil . . Spring
Form can vary from a small, rounded tree to a multi-stemmed shrub. Creamy white clusters of flowers in spring. Attractive, dark green foliage turns reddish purple in fall.
Blue-black berries are edible and have been used for preserves since colonial times. Provides food for wildlife.
#1291 . . Gallon container

Viburnum trilobum . . Cranberrybush Viburnum
. . 8 to 12ft. . . Sun to mod. shade
. . Zone . . Moist, well drained soil . . Spring
Native Viburnum with good summer foliage and red fall color. Flat-topped cymes of white flowers in spring. Bright red berries in fall can be used for jellies and preserves.
#2171 . . Gallon container

Viburnum trilobum cv. . . Cranberrybush Viburnum "Alfredo"
. . 5 to 6 ft. . . Sun to mod. shade
. . Zones 2 to 7 . . Moist, well drained soil . . Spring
Native Selection
Compact form of native Viburnum with good summer foliage and excellent red fall color. Flat-topped cymes of white flowers in spring. Bright red berries in fall can be used for jellies and preserves.
#2046 . . Gallon container

Viburnum x . . Prague Viburnum "Pragense"
. . To 10 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 5 to 8 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Spring
Pink buds followed by 3 to 6 inch, flat-topped cymes of creamy white flowers. Spring. Upright, oval-rounded growth habit. Vigorous, fast grower. Evergreen.
#1625 . . 2 Gal

Xanthorhiza simplicissima . . Yellowroot
. . 2 to 3 ft. . . Sun to full shade
. . Zones 3 to 9 . . Avg. to moist soil . . Spring
Bright green, celery-like foliage. Spreads freely, forming a flat-topped thicket. Interesting 4 inch racemes of small, brownish-purple, star-shaped flowers in spring. Used as a ground cover in difficult, shady and moist areas.
The sap yields a yellow dye used by Native Americans.
#1426 . . Gallon container

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Modified: 1/3/2014
  1. Pengeluaran SDY
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  3. https://www.hopepartnershipforeducation.org/
  4. https://www.bencomo.org/
  5. https://rvic.org/
  6. https://ladiosabuenosaires.com/
  8. https://www.bathconsultancygroup.com/
  9. https://climateinternational.org/
  10. https://www.tadmc.org/
  11. https://www.innvision.org/
  13. https://www.eccsit.org/
  15. https://www.la-boissaude.com/
  16. https://www.runnertriathletenews.com/
  17. https://www.lesfilmsbiographiques.com/
  18. DATA SDY
  19. https://www.shepherdoftheridge.org/
  20. https://www.musindioufu.org/
  21. Togel Hongkong
  22. https://everstribute.org/
  23. https://cosac-ndt.com/
  24. https://www.ederna.com/
  25. https://civicinnovationni.org/
  26. https://www.prattkan.com/
  28. https://www.paganconference.com/
  29. https://francejpo.com/
  30. https://elk-mountain.com/
  31. https://www.globalteachinginsights.org/
  32. https://hwsevents.com/
  33. https://www.wildfireprograms.com/
  35. https://www.basharesearch.com/
  36. https://casori.org/
  37. https://www.tvemf.org/
  38. https://greatrough.com/
  39. https://www.nuitsdesarenes.com/
  40. https://www.tgssa.org/
  41. https://escapadesetflaneries.com/
  42. https://www.austenquotes.com/
  43. https://www.pahcs.com/
  44. https://www.galileoenrichment.com/