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Iris . . Iris
. . To 2 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 3 to 9 . . Avg. soil . . L. Spring to E. Summer
E. Asia, Alaska
Purple blooms with yellow veins. White centers on the falls. Early summer. Light green foliage. Native to both Siberia and Alaska.
#1081 . . Quart pot

Iris cristata . . Crested Dwarf Iris
. . 4 to 6 in. . . Lt. to mod. shade
. . Zones 5 to 7 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Spring
Pale blue flowers in mid-spring. Spreads with rhizomes to form colonies. Use for ground cover, on banks, edging, or in rock gardens.
A versatile plant, this species will do well in poor soils and with little care. I have read Crested Dwarf Iris blooms best under these conditions. Yet, my propagation bed is over-fertilized, in full shade, thinned regularly and is still covered with flowers every spring.
The acrid roots were chewed by hunters to alleviate thirst.
#1078 . . Quart pot

Iris cristata cv. . . Dwarf Crested Iris "Alba"
. . 4 to 6 in. . . Sun to mod. shade
. . Zones 5 to 7 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Spring
Pure white flowers with a yellow throat. A naturally occurring, though uncommon, color variation of I. cristata. Vigorous grower.
Spreads with rhizomes to form colonies. Use for ground cover, on banks, edging, or in rock gardens. A versatile plant, this species will do well in poor soils and with little care.
#1186 . . Quart pot

Iris cristata cv. . . Dwarf Crested Iris "Vein Mountain"
. . 4 to 6 in. . . Sun to mod. shade
. . Zones 5 to 7 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Spring
The bloom is a lighter color than the species and has a distinctive yellow throat. A selection from WEDU Nursery.
Spreads with rhizomes to form colonies. Use for ground cover, on banks, edging, or in rock gardens. A versatile plant, this species will do well in poor soils and with little care.
#1187 . . Quart pot

Iris ensata . . Japanese Iris - Higo strain "Bicolor"
. . 24 to 36 in. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zone . . Avg. to wet soil . . L. Spring to E. Summer
White falls with lavender standards.
From the Higo strain developed over several centuries of breeding in Japan. Previously known as I. kaempferi.
#2179 . . Quart pot

Iris ensata . . Japanese Iris - Higo strain "White"
. . 24 to 36 in. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 4 to 9 . . Avg. to wet soil . . L. Spring to E. Summer
Pristine white flowers with a blush of yellow at the top of the falls. Blooms in early summer.
From the Higo strain developed over hundreds of years of breeding in Japan. Previously known as I. kaempferi.
#2178 . . Gallon container

Iris pseudacorus . . Yellow Flag
. . 3 to 4 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 5 to 9 . . Avg. to wet soil . . Spring
Naturalized in N. America. Bright yellow flowers in late spring. Moisture conditions can range from average soil to standing water.
Tall, dark green foliage looks good all season. Very useful along streams or ponds.
Reported to have been used for bruises and rabies.
#1080 . . Quart pot

Iris sibirica . . Siberian Iris
. . To 30 in. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . To Zone 3 . . Avg. soil, moist . . Spring
The flowers are lilac-blue to blue-purple. Blooms in late spring. Dense sheaves of grassy leaves. Easy to grow. Combines well with many other perennials in the border garden.
#1184 . . Quart pot

Iris verna v. smalliana . . Dwarf Iris
. . 4 to 6 in. . . Lt. to mod. shade
. . Zones 6 to 8 . . Avg. soil . . Spring
Violet-blue flowers with an orange spot on the lower petals. Spring. Narrow arching leaves. Semi-evergreen.
Although habitat, bloom, and size are similar, the narrower foliage and lack of crests differentiate it from the Crested Dwarf Iris.
#1208 . . Quart pot

Iris versicolor . . Blue Flag
. . 24 to 36 in. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . To Zone 3 . . Moist to wet soil . . L. Spring to E. Summer
Blue to lavender blooms with a yellow beard. Arching, sword shaped leaves. Blooms late spring to early summer.
An elegant native Iris that thrives in damp or wet areas.
Cultivated by Indian tribes for its medicinal properties. It has been used for skin diseases, rheumatism and is a powerful cathartic. Toxic.
#1209 . . Quart pot

Iris virginica v. shrevei . . Southern Blue Flag
. . To 3 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zones 5 to 9 . . Avg. to wet soil . . L. Spring to E. Summer
This southern blue flag is a wetland species of iris which features violet blue flowers with falls that are crested with yellow and white. Narrow, bright green leaves often lie on the ground or in water. Unlike the species, the flowers of var. shrevei are fragrant. Rhizomes are poisonous.
#2196 . . Quart pot

Juncus effusus . . Soft Rush
. . 1 to 4 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zone . . Avg. to wet soil . . Summer
Round leafless stems with reddish sheaths at base. Clump forming. Brownish flower clusters along side of stems in summer. Native to much of the Northern Hemisphere.
Tolerant of most soils and water conditions. Does best at water's edge.
Pith of stem has numerous medicinal uses.
#2136 . . Quart pot

Liatris aspera . . Rough Gayfeather
. . 3 to 4 ft. . . Sun
. . Zones 4 to 9 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Summer
Clusters of rose-purple flowers along a tall spike. Good cut flower.
Earlier blooming than other Liatris.
#1082 . . Quart pot

Liatris microcephala . . Smallhead Blazing Star
. . 12 to 18 in. . . Sun
. . Zones 4 to 8 . . Avg. to poor soil . . Summer
A minature native liatris. Numerous spikes of rosy-purple flowers in Summer. Fine, grass-like foliage. Drought resistant.
Much smaller than the more common Liatris L. spicata. making it suitable for a rock garden or the front of the border.
#2094 . . Quart pot

Liatris pycnostachya . . Cattail Gayfeather
. . 3 to 4 ft. . . Sun
. . Zones 4 to 9 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Summer
Bright rose-purple flowers arranged in tall, dense spikes. Summer. Good cut flower.
#1083 . . Quart pot

Liatris spicata . . Dense Blazing Star
. . 3 to 4 ft. . . Sun
. . Zones 4 to 9 . . Avg. soil, well drained . . Summer
Bright rose-purple flowers arranged in tall dense spikes. Summer. Narrow leaves. The most commonly cultivated Liatris.
#1085 . . Quart pot

Lobelia cardinalis . . Cardinal Flower
. . 3 to 4 ft. . . Sun to mod. shade
. . Zones 3 to 9 . . Avg. to wet soil . . Late Summer
Tall dense spikes of very, very red tubular flowers in late summer. Dark green foliage. Prefers even moisture. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Cardinal Flowers are a brilliant deep red that almost seems to glow. Their native habitat is moist to wet, but they will do fine in average soil if given some shade and watered during dry periods. Separate the clumps of small plants in early spring to keep the plants vigorous. Do not mulch in winter.
#1087 . . Quart pot

Lobelia siphilitica . . Great Blue Lobelia
. . 12 to 36 in. . . Sun to mod. shade
. . Zones 3 to 9 . . Avg. to wet soil . . Late Summer
Tall dense spikes of blue flowers in late summer. Thick foliage, often branching. Very showy. Culture is similar to Cardinal Flower.
#1089 . . Quart pot

Ludwigia alternifolia . . Rattle Box
. . To 36 in. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . To Zone 4 . . Avg. soil . . Late Summer
Also called seed-box, for its many-seeded pods, its yellow flowers offer cheer in late summer
#1487 . . Quart pot

Lysimachia ciliata var. purpurea . . Loosestrife "Purpurea"
. . 3 ft. . . Sun to lt. shade
. . Zone 5 . . Avg. soil . . Summer
Native Selection
Chocolate colored leaves on upright stems and abundant, nodding clear light yellow flowers. Vigorously stoloniferous. Spreads into large showy colonies. Containment recommended for smaller areas.
Ideal for grouping with magenta astilbes, it has good autumn color as well.
#1922 . . Quart pot

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Elk Mountain Nursery ~ P.O.Box 3 ~ Alexander ~ NC ~ 28701
Modified 1/3/2014
  1. Pengeluaran SDY
  2. https://ifa2020.org/
  3. https://www.hopepartnershipforeducation.org/
  4. https://www.bencomo.org/
  5. https://rvic.org/
  6. https://ladiosabuenosaires.com/
  8. https://www.bathconsultancygroup.com/
  9. https://climateinternational.org/
  10. https://www.tadmc.org/
  11. https://www.innvision.org/
  13. https://www.eccsit.org/
  15. https://www.la-boissaude.com/
  16. https://www.runnertriathletenews.com/
  17. https://www.lesfilmsbiographiques.com/
  18. DATA SDY
  19. https://www.shepherdoftheridge.org/
  20. https://www.musindioufu.org/
  21. Togel Hongkong
  22. https://everstribute.org/
  23. https://cosac-ndt.com/
  24. https://www.ederna.com/
  25. https://civicinnovationni.org/
  26. https://www.prattkan.com/
  28. https://www.paganconference.com/
  29. https://francejpo.com/
  30. https://elk-mountain.com/
  31. https://www.globalteachinginsights.org/
  32. https://hwsevents.com/
  33. https://www.wildfireprograms.com/
  35. https://www.basharesearch.com/
  36. https://casori.org/
  37. https://www.tvemf.org/
  38. https://greatrough.com/
  39. https://www.nuitsdesarenes.com/
  40. https://www.tgssa.org/
  41. https://escapadesetflaneries.com/
  42. https://www.austenquotes.com/
  43. https://www.pahcs.com/
  44. https://www.galileoenrichment.com/