Garden of the Heart


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I believe I have prefected a method through which almost all stress can be released from the average human body in six 90 minute sessions. Working holographically, major stresses and karmas in the mnd, chakras, spine and major galnds are permanently released and cleared.

The final session takes one through 33 levels of the HEART, to the periphery of the Absolute.

I can only promise to release karma and stress. I cannot promise to give anyone enlightenment. That is a gift of grace, between the individual soul and God.

However, the release of stress, and the increase of light in the body, tends to create the possiblilty that enlightenment may occurr. My teacher's philosophy, with with I agree, is that it is impurities in the universal nervous system, better known as karma, that keep us from experiencing the state of enlightment, which is actually our birthright.

And that a teacher, through transmission -- not of his/her own energy -- but of God's, can aid and speed a seeker's journey.

In one session, I am often able to release more stress/karma than may have previously been released though years of effort.

After only one session, a man who had had chronic back pain for years, found it had vanished. "I've been doing TM for years," he exclaimed, "And I couldn't get that to leave. How did you do it?"

In addition, a man who has been a disciple of a rather well known Indian guru for years, came to me because he was still unable to work through his root stresses. In two sessions, we worked through and released these lower chakra issues, which he had been unable to release, even after years of meditation.

And a lady who had attained a fairly high degree of clarity and consciousness also found that amazing amounts of unreleased stress were liberated during our first session, even though this woman had been a disciple of Osho for many years.

If you wish to schedule an in-person session, please call. 505--243-6740.

I do two sessions daily, at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. (Mountain time), Monday through Friday.

All work is done on a donation basis.

Those who wish to maximize the session are encouraged to use the tapes first. Thus, when we begin, we are working on a deeper level, releasing deeper stresses.


I offer three tape sessions. HEALING. A double set, which lasts about two hours, is a duplication of the same process I use in my healing sessions. And should produce the same results.

This set is available for $19.95 ppd.

Eventually, I plan to complete this set, to include all six levels of my basic healing process.

The other tape, entitled MIND, has a much more specific purpose.

The MIND tape, according to those who have worked with it, actually goes into specific parts of the brain, or mind, systematically, and literally "re-wires" them in a more positive fashion. One woman who worked with it said she could literally "see" the loose strands and fibers that compose the brain re-weaving. Most people feel incredibly relaxed and peaceful, afterwards.

One man I know plays his while he is working. He says it keeps him calm, and he doesn't get stressed out. The primary purpose, however, is to rewire the brain, in a faster way than meditation or traditional mantra can accomplish.

This single tape is $9.95 ppd.

A tape for ADDICTION. This tape contains three sessions. In each session, the six acupuncture points on the ears, those used in standard acupuncture treatments, are addressed holographically. Each session uses a stronger energetic vibration. This is the same treatment used in acupuncture to address any form of addiction, to alcohol, drugs or tobacco.

In addition, each session also addresses and clears stress in the three lower chakras. It is the stresses there, particularly anger and fear, that help to create the addiction. By releasing the emotions that underlie the addictions, they heal.

The single tape is $9.95 ppd.

Garden of the Heart
921 Kent Ave NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102


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