A Mailorder Source of Quality Perennials, Shrubs and Trees

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Shrubs I-Z
---Helpful Lists---
Rock Gardens
Perennials For Shade
Shrubs For Shade
Butterfly and Hummingbird Plants
Perennials for Damp to Wet Areas
Zone Map

Elk Mountain Nursery specializes in plants native to the Eastern United States. We are one of the pioneer nurseries on the Web. Our Catalog has been online since 1996.

Our nursery is located in the mountains of Western North Carolina. The long, cool growing season; coupled with a short, but intense winter; makes Asheville an ideal site for a nursery serving the Eastern United States. The nursery is in USDA Zone 6, allowing us to grow a wide variety of species adapted to both cooler and warmer areas.

We take great pride in providing vigorous, healthy plants.

  • All plants offered in this catalog are nursery propagated from seed, cuttings and divisions.

  • All plants are grown and wintered over outdoors to insure hardiness and to be properly hardened off.

  • All plants are container grown. We want to be assured of providing vigorous, healthy plants so we do not sell in the spring until new growth is evident.
Many botanic names have changed. We are up to date on some but will still use many of the older ones until the new names become better known. If you disagree with our nomenclature or if we simply made a blatant error, please let us know...
"If you have remarked errors in me, your superior wisdom must pardon them. Who errs not while perambulating the domain of nature? Who can observe everything with accuracy? Correct me as a friend, and I as a friend will requite with kindness."-Linnaeus
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Elk Mountain Nursery ~ P.O.Box 3 ~ Alexander ~ NC ~ 28701
Modified: 3/28/17
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